Coordinating services for separating and separated families through collaboration between organisations operating within family law
Take a look at some of our past events

Presented by Sophie Meehan, September 29 2022

In this webinar, Sophie Meehan, Manager of Family Law Projects at Victoria Legal Aid, in conversation with a Family Advocacy and Support Services (FASS) duty lawyer and support worker discusses the recent expansion of the FASS program. The webinar also covers how FASS works, eligibility and referral processes and explores a case study example.
Presented by Judy Singer and Elena Campbell, March 23 2022

This webinar explores the concept of neurodiversity in the context of Family Law. Clients of the courts include individuals with Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder amongst other presentations, and every neurodiverse individual and family has to overcome different hurdles as they move through the legal system. It is a challenge to translate this neurocomplexity into law. The webinar aims to reconsider bias and misconceptions that are a hindrance to better outcomes in family law and other legal cases.

Presented by Shane Tas, 17 November 2021
Men in Focus provides a deeper understanding of the links between dominant forms and patterns of masculinity and violence against women. It explores how challenging these patterns and effectively engaging men and boys can contribute to primary prevention efforts, and it establishes some guiding principles to support policy makers and practitioners in this work.
Presented by Alan Hebb & Ben Smith, 11 November 2021

This presentation is a discussion on the changes brought about by the creation of the ‘Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia’. In this presentation, Alan focused on what the changes mean for Dispute Resolution and Ben looked at the changes from a lawyer’s perspective.

Presented by Alan Baker, 29 September 2021
This webinar provides an overview of the family law system and Family Law Act, as well as covering the Best Practice Guidelines for lawyers and the role of Independent Children's Lawyers. This webinar aims to enhance understanding of legal issues impacting on non-legal professionals in the family law system, including those working as Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners and/or family counsellors.

Presented by Kay Hardefeldt and Jenny Tam, 24 November 2021
International parental child abduction (IPCA) occurs when either a parent decides to remove their child from Australia without the other parent’s consent, or refuses to return their child to Australia after an agreed period overseas (such as a holiday). This webinar aims to raise awareness of IPCA and the available assistance provided by ISS Australia, a non-for-profit organisation that provides social work, legal and mediation services for children and families separated by international borders.
Presented by Professor Heather Douglas, 26 May 2021

Drawing on interviews with women who have engaged with the legal system as a result of domestic violence, this presentation explores how women’s engagement with the legal system is frequently experienced as an extension of their abusive partner’s coercive control. It shows how legal processes provide an opportunity for abusive partners to continue and even expand their repertoire of coercive and controlling behaviours post-separation.

Presented by Professor JaneMaree Maher, 19 October 2020
This presentation presents the findings from the ANROWS national project examining the use, influence and management of perpetrator interventions in sentencing of domestic and family violence offenders. Their analysis of interviews conducted with 60 judicial officers from across all Australian state and territory jurisdictions reveals that the effective use of perpetrator interventions in decision making is constrained by various barriers to effective practice.

Presented by Professor Jennifer McIntosh, 2 September 2020
This webinar focuses on the rationale for applying a developmental perspective to family law dispute resolution, and detail two evidence-based approaches to this work, covering infancy through to late adolescence. The principles of Child Inclusive Mediation and of the Young Children in Divorce and Separation program are also outlined.
Presented by Rose Cuff, 17 June 2020

This presentation explores concepts of parenting and capacity in the context of deepening our understanding about the challenges and strengths experienced by parents, their children and families who live with mental ill health. The discussion covers the principles of engagement, validation and understanding what parents bring to the spaces in which we meet them, managing complexity and fostering resilient parent-child-family relationships.
Presented by David Mandel, 10 June 2020

This webinar describes how a perpetrator pattern-based approach to domestic violence cases involving children can help with custody and access decisions. It covers the Safe & Together Model, which is used by child protection systems in Australia, North America, and the United Kingdom, to help guide decisions with evaluations and representation of children's best interests.
Presented by Ben Grime, 3 June 2020

This webinar identifies known sources of miscommunication with speakers of Aboriginal languages and Aboriginal English and discusses recent linguistic research that identifies significant differences between Standard English and Aboriginal narrative patterns in the context of legal issues. The webinar discusses some of the implications for practice, and provides strategies for identifying and minimising miscommunication based on differences in narrative patterns.

Presented by Trent Savill, 20 May 2020
This workshop supports professionals to better understand and respond to children and young people who engage in aggressive and controlling behaviours. The workshop explores how developmental attachment impacts on our capacity to trust and hand over control to others, and also looks at the important cognitive skills required to be able to comply with the expectations of others.