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In Victoria, there are six (6) Family Law Pathways Networks (VFLPN's): Albury-Wodonga, Ballarat, Barwon South-West, Gippsland, Greater Melbourne, and Shepparton-Bendigo â€“ known collectively as the Victorian Family Law Pathways Network (VFLPN).  Each Victorian Family Law Pathways Network has their own community and membership (this website belongs to the Greater Melbourne network).

The family law system depends on cooperation between a range of entities: the Family Law Courts, government agencies and departments, the legal profession, the research sector and community service providers such as police, drug and alcohol, mental health, family violence and indigenous services.


Bringing different disciplines together is central to the work of the VFLPN in order to provide a clear dispute resolution pathway for separating families

Select your local Network to discover opportunities for professional development and service referral in your area:

The Greater Melbourne Network focuses primarily on Metropolitan Melbourne but seeks to support the catchments of the Grampians. The Network organises opportunities to build closer relationships, collaborations and integration amongst family law system entities through networking and training events.

The Barwon South-West Network coordinates the development of active member groups at each end of the region. Working closely with the family relationship practitioners groups, the Network aims to identify important areas for the services to improve client service by developing professional networks, to support training and events, and to develop local service directories.

The Gippsland Family Law Pathways Network aims to support the development of a co ordinated family law service system in the Gippsland region. The Network focuses on information-sharing and networking opportunities across the area in response to local need.

The Ballarat Family Law Pathways Network aims to support the development of a coordinated family law service system in the Ballarat region. The Network focuses on information-sharing and networking opportunities across the area in response to local need.

By encouraging collaborative referrals and enhancing the understanding of available services, the Albury-Wodonga Network represents an essential component of the Government’s commitment to an accessible justice system that meets the needs of Australian families.

The Shepparton-Bendigo Family Law Pathways Network is an inclusive network of organisations and professionals who provide services to separating families. The Network coordinates regionally based meetings, events and conferences.

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