Family Law Pathways Network presents:
Vincent Papaleo & Ben Jones:
Untested Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Family Law Proceedings

Thursday, 10 December 2020, 1:00 - 2:30 pm AEDT
The Family Law Pathways Networks across Australia invite you to join a free webinar by Vincent Papaleo & Ben Jones. This session will focus on how to assess and manage family law cases where there are concerns about child sexual abuse. There will be information regarding how to critically examine the allegations, including any disclosures made by the child, as well as ancillary information that may be relevant to determining whether or not abuse may have occurred. There will also be some discussion about the presentation of parents who are more likely to make erroneous claims of sexual abuse, including parents with a personality disorder. The session will include case studies, video vignettes, and open discussion. It will be most relevant for legal practitioners that specialise in family law, Independent Children's Lawyers, staff at community agencies that work with families, and single experts/family report writers.
Registered participants will be emailed a link for the webinar within 24 hours of the scheduled start time and will also have access to a recording of the webinar for a period of time following the live stream

Vincent Papeleo is an internationally recognised expert in the clinical aspects of Family Law. Having commenced his career in the Dept of Child Psychiatry at the Austin Hospital, he moved into private practice, specialising in separated families. He has over 30 years’ experience, both in practice, though also as court witness, trainer, and consultant. He presents at events all over Australia and overseas, becoming a highly regarded contributor to professional development events.

Ben Jones is a registered psychologist with doctoral training in forensic behavioural science. He worked in criminal law for almost a decade before coming to specialise in Family Law in 2009. He is particularly renowned for his work in cases where there is a substantial risk footprint – family violence, sexual abuse, and personality disturbance. He provides single-expert advice to the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court, though is concurrently a prolific public speaker, as well as seminar convener. Dr Jones is recognised around Australia as one of the few AFCC Endorsed Report Writers, and has been invited to present on Family Law topics in many countries around the world.