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National FLPN Webinar Series

Jane Holford

Updated: May 26, 2022

Each Wednesday between 20 May and 24 June 2020, at 1pm, the national Family Law Pathways Network will present a free webinar to our members. While social distancing measures prevent our members from attending in-person training events, we have collaborated to bring you a series of high calibre expert presenters to broaden knowledge and understanding around issues impacting separating families.


The program for this series is as follows:

20 May Aggressive & Controlling Behaviour in Children Trent Savill

This workshop supports professionals to better understand and respond to children and young people who engage in aggressive and controlling behaviours. The workshop will explore how developmental attachment impacts on our capacity to trust and hand over control to others, and also looks at the important cognitive skills required to be able to comply with the expectations of others.

27 May The Attachment-Style Interview Liz Saunders

The Attachment Style Interview is an evidence-based instrument that enhances practitioners’ understanding of family dynamics and the capacity of caregivers to develop meaningful strategies for resilience. The application of this approach moves practitioners from being trauma informed to being trauma responsive and is applicable across the lifespan.

3 June Linguistic and Cultural Barriers to Aboriginal Access to Justice Ben Grimes

Understand the differences between Aboriginal and Standard English Narrative Styles with Ben Grimes, a lawyer and linguist who specialises in communication issues in the legal system and cross-cultural legal education.

10 June A Safety Model for Working with Survivors & Perpetrators in Domestic & Family Violence David Mendel

David Mandel of the Safe and Together Institute will guide us through using a perpetrator pattern-based approach to promote the best outcomes for children in domestic and family violence cases.

17 June Parenting Capacity & Mental Health Rose Cuff

Rose Cuff, coordinator of the Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness (FaPMI) Strategy, will explore concepts of parenting & capacity in the context of deepening our understanding about the challenges & strengths experienced by parents, their children & families who live with mental ill health.

24 June Complex Circumstances - parents with intellectual disability Dr Margaret Spencer

Dr Margaret Spencer, University of Sydney, will argue that assessing what the best interest of a child, based on the current reliance on assessment of parenting capacity is a flawed process. She will look specifically at this in relation to families where one or both parents have disabilities. Margaret will propose that instead of asking, Is this parent capable of parenting? We should ask “How can the parenting of this child be supported?”


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