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  • Jane Holford

LGBTIQ Families in Family Law Forum

This forum hosted by the VFLPN will take place on Tuesday 28 May 2019 at 3:00pm.

Tickets are $10 per person.

Join presenters Karen Field and Rebecca Dahl in discussing the LGBTIQ community's experiences and challenges within the family law system. This forum will introduce practitioners and lawyers working in and alongside the family law sector to the unique experiences and issues of LGBTIQ families as they interact with family law and with post separation services.


About the presenters:

Karen Field

Chief Executive Office - Drummond Street Services

As CEO of drummond street services, Karen Field brings family focused research into a multidisciplinary centre for evidence-based family practice and research. Under her leadership drummond street services has expanded to create Queerspace, an LGBTIQ+ support service focusing on healthy relationships, families, parenting and young people.

With over 30 years’ experience Karen’s legacy extends across the public health spectrum, including primary and mental health welfare, tertiary education, employment, and justice. She has worked in governmental Senior Policy roles, and community-based organisations including Beyondblue and the Centre for Adolescent Health.

In addition to trail blazing service delivery for LGBTIQ+ families, Karen is the National Chief Executive of Stepfamilies Australia and actively contributes to numerous advisory bodies across the community services sector.

Rebecca Dahl

Partner - Nicholes Family Lawyers

Rebecca joined Nicholes Family Lawyers in 2012, having practiced exclusively in Family Law since 2005 in both South Australia and Victoria, in a range of both small and large firms.

Rebecca practices exclusively in Family Law and has a particular interest in complex children’s matters, particularly those involving interstate or international relocation, and also has an interest in assisting extended family members, such as grandparents seeking time with their grandchildren.

In 2017, Rebecca was a finalist in the Straight Ally of the Year Category at the Globe Community Awards. This nomination recognised her contributions to supporting and promoting the LGBTI Community.


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