On Sunday, 22 February 2015, the Governor, His Excellency, the Hon. Alex Chernov AC QC, signed the letters patent appointing former Justice Marcia Neave AO as Commissioner and Patricia Faulkner AO and Tony Nicholson as Deptuy Commissioners to the Royal Commission into Family Violence.
In keeping with its terms of reference, the Royal Commission aims to make recommendations which:
Foster a violence-free society
Reduce and aim to eliminate family violence
Prevent the occurrence and escalation of family violence
Build respectful family relationships
Increase awareness of the extent and effects of family violence
Reinforce community rejection of the use of family violence
Ensure the safety of people who are or may be affected by family violence, by:
Facilitating early intervention before violence occurs
Providing fast, effective responses to those who report family violence
Providing effective protections to adults and children who have been affected by family violence in the past, and remain at risk of family violence
Support adults and children who have been affected by family violence
Hold those who have been violent accountable for their actions
Help people who use or may use family violence to change their behaviour.
The Royal Commission is due to provide its report and recommendations to the government by Monday, 29 February 2016.
For more information about how the Royal Commission into Family Violence works including its submissions process and details about public hearings, refer to the link below: